Join FounderFuego’s Black History Month Challenge

Black History Month

With Black History Month kicking off today, we are approaching this month intentionally and authentically. FounderFuego was created to fill a gap in the amplification of grants, resources, and success stories of diverse founders and we are proud to have two incredible Black women on our team (whom you will hear more about this month). We move through this entrepreneurship space to support Black and Afro-Latinx founders EVERY month to achieve success, economic mobility, and generational wealth.

We honor the historical significance of Black leaders in our society who have long fought for an equitable chance to thrive. FounderFuego aims to make a meaningful difference to address the challenges Black founders face when accessing venture capital (VC) and unrestricted nonprofit funding. The numbers are astounding - we encourage you to read more about this here.

We invite you to join us for the FounderFuego Black History Month Challenge as an opportunity to learn, grow, and positively impact the Black-owned business community.

FounderFuego's Black History Month Challenge

  • Watch the TED Talk above with T. Morgan Dixon, Co-Founder and CEO of GirlTrek and Vanessa Garrison, COO of GirlTrek for a history lesson on the woman Dr. King called "the architect of the civil rights movement," Septima Clark and learn how GirlTrek started a movement to impact health and advocacy in the Black community.

  • Shop from Black-owned businesses in your community. We're talking haircuts, groceries, supplies, vendors for your business, and more. Many of these businesses intentionally source and supply items by other Black-owned businesses, so supporting these establishments can mean ripple effects in the economy. Examples in the San Diego community are Black San Diego, an online marketplace of local black-owned businesses, Café X: By Any Beans Necessary, and SIP Wine & Beer. Does your local community have an online marketplace of Black-owned businesses? If not, consider collaborating with local organizations to create one.

  • When you shop at Black-owned businesses, snap a pic with the owner or the team and post the pic along with a brief message on social media tagging the owner, the business, and @Founderfuego on Facebook, @founderfuego on Instagram, and @founderfuego on LinkedIn to amplify awareness about the business in the community.

  • Attend Black History Month events in your community.

  • Read FounderFuego's FounderFuel stories and spread the word to amplify diverse founders making a difference.

  • Encourage Black founders in your community to share their story. We want to hear where they get their founder fuel from and share it globally. Email us at


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