Calling Los Angeles and Miami Climate Tech Innovators

🌍🌱 Climate Tech Innovators in LA 🌇 and Miami 🌴 - We Have An Accelerator and Grant Opportunity For You

Exciting news from Los Angeles and Miami! Since 1993, the Larta Institute has helped over 4,500 startups, and their alumni have raised over $7 billion in funds.

Recently, the Larta Institute Opens Call for Applicants to 2024 Venture Fellowship. Meet the fourteen innovation companies from LA and Miami in the inaugural Venture Fellows 2023 Cohort.

The Venture Fellowship offers a 9-month immersive program to support diverse innovators pilot their ideas to help communities become more resilient in response to the impacts of climate change.

The nine-month program will fund and support five innovators in each city with no cost to participants and no equity taken. Benefits of the program include:

  • $100,000 in resources and funding to develop community-based solutions

  • Up to $25,000 in pilot costs for validation of a project in targeted community

  • 1:1 mentorship and group cohort sessions

  • Knowledge hub and educational content

  • Market access support from local cities and NGOs

  • Support deploying a pilot-ready solution in a local community

  • Access to investors and grant funding to scale startup

  • Support identifying and applying for funding and grants

  • Curated sessions with seed investors and Demo Day

  • Legal fees paid and support to incorporate startup

The program begins in April 2024, apply now here.

Climate Tech Innovator Resources


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