Meet Ruth Young-Loaza Founder and CEO of Neet Sheets

Latina woman with two invention patents

From hotel housekeeping to running the "House of Sheets", meet Ruth Young-Loaza of Neet Sheets

Meet Ruth Young-Loaza, Founder and CEO of Neet Sheets and our first founder feature of 2024. FounderFuego's Founder and CEO, Amber Tarrac had the tremendous opportunity to meet Ruth at a UCSD Talent Foundry and We Tha Plug event a couple of years ago and we have seen Ruth flourish from there.

Ruth was a housekeeper at hotels for many years when she was struck by a car and ended up in the hospital with her injuries. She was unable to work as a housekeeper due to her injuries, so she and her family became homeless. 

Ruth needed to pivot to get back on her feet and support her family. From her years of experience making hotel beds, Ruth knew there had to be a better way to make up hotel beds faster. She designed and patented a new design for sheets that has the fitted sheet corners pre-sewn so they are quicker and easier to put on the bed and stay in place better.

Ruth then tapped into local resources to launch her business and has done multiple pitch competitions since then. This demonstration project shows what a big impact and timesaver this new sheet design makes in the bed making process.

Check out the patented sheet design and purchase sheets on the Neet Sheets website here.

Escucha mas de la historia de Ruth en español aquí.


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