Negotiate Like a Boss (Even if You're Scared)

Hot Resources to Get You Negotiating Like a Boss

First, let’s look at how much money are we leaving on the table.

The numbers are shocking! Research shows the gender gap in negotiations is less about skill and more about the backlash women fear from going against the deeply ingrained societal norms of being passive, helpful, and accommodating.

“Relative to men who ask for more, women are penalized financially, are considered less hirable and less likable, and are less likely to be promoted,” a 2020 report by Harvard Law School states. “Men, by contrast, generally can negotiate for higher pay without fearing a backlash because such behavior is consistent with the stereotype of men as assertive, bold and self-interested.”

Leaving Money on Table

By not negotiating a starting salary, an individual stands to lose more than $500,000 by age 60, reports suggest. Men are more than four times as likely as women to negotiate their first salary.

Negotiating for business includes anything from selling your product or service to negotiating a salary to landing a new client to getting the best deal on a supplier contract. Your approach to negotiating for business can mean the difference between sales volume, lowering the price of goods, landing quality employees (who contribute to sales growth), and the cash register staying quiet. Don't be afraid and miss out on this FREE resource to get you started!

Two Things YOU Can Do to Change This - How, Might You Ask?

1. Sign up for FounderFuego's free negotiating course interest list today here

2. Encourage everyone you know who might be scared to negotiate to stop missing opportunities by signing up for FounderFuego's FounderFuel newsletter today to receive resources to strengthen this skill (and boost sales) here


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