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Village Up San Diego 2024 Inclusive Champion Awards

Left to right: Alexis Villanueva, President & CEO of the City Heights Community Development Corporation, Amber Tarrac, Founder & CEO of FounderFuego, and Kristin Tillquist, Government Relations Consultant

FounderFuego CEO Wins Village Up San Diego 2024 Inclusive Champion Award

Congratulations to Amber Tarrac, Founder and CEO of FounderFuego for winning the inaugural Village Up San Diego 2024 Inclusive Champion award!

On Thursday, July 18, 2024, Amber and the following talented professionals were recognized by Village Up San Diego, Assemblymember Akilah Weber’s office, and San Diego City Council President Sean Elo-Rivera for their commitment to diversity and inclusion in the San Diego innovation ecosystem.

Inclusive Champion Award Winners:

Inclusive Champion Award Nominees:

Photo credits: Rich Lopez Consulting

Meet the Award Winners and Nominees

Council President Sean Elo-Rivera remarked how the event was reflective of the diversity of the San Diego region and together attendees celebrated the commitment of inclusion champions to celebrate inclusion and advocate when inclusion could be improved.

Learn more about each of the honorees and their “why” below.

We encourage you to learn more about these inclusion champions and the impact their organizations are making. Join us in celebrating all of the winners and nominees doing amazing work to support inclusivity in the San Diego innovation community. Check out this feature in the Village Up Community Newsletter.

To learn how FounderFuego’s team can help your organization build and sustain a diverse and inclusive culture, schedule time with us.