Travel for Sunrise by Flipping the Marketing Switch to See Sales Soar

This Marketing Maven is Rockin' and Reelin' to Grow Diverse Founder Businesses 🚀

Meet Amber Butler, Founder of Travel for Sunrise Boutique Marketing Co. and FounderFuego's Chief Marketing Officer

After a career in the U.S. Air Force, Amber achieved her Master of Business Administration in Marketing and then she got to work studying all aspects of her craft. She is a voracious reader and researcher and stays on top of current marketing trends as things change with social media platforms.

A serial entrepreneur, she has founded successful businesses over the years and honed her marketing prowess to maximize limited marketing dollars for businesses to achieve the greatest Return on Investment (ROI).

Amber specializes in developing marketing strategies that work - this is the caliber of the marketing expertise Amber brings to the table having lifted up brands in the public and private sectors. Learn more about her work featured in Fortune, GoDaddy, eBay. Grow with Google, Hulu, and other campaigns here.

In October 2023, Amber saw a gap in the market and launched Travel for Sunrise Boutique Marketing Co. to help spiritually led founders and CEOs boost business growth with strategic marketing support, including Facebook and Instagram marketing strategies like these fun reels for amazing brands.

She launched an insightful Facebook ads lead generation course, which may be accessed here. Check out how she recently helped a yoga and sound bath studio generate leads in this video. 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽

She is the creator of the Travel for Sunrise newsletter with content to support business owners with marketing tips, the latest trends, and ad ideas. She sprinkles her dose of humor and Giphy fun into this incredible weekly resource with actionable things business owners can do to reach their target market on a limited budget.

Check out Amber's helpful tip about the changes to email marketing that took effect on February 1, 2024 (bet you hadn't heard this yet):

#1 - First thing - You may want to change up your strategy and consider doubling down on segmenting your list AND sending emails in smaller batches to less than 5,000 folks. 

Read more about the new rules and why this is an effective email marketing list strategy in this Travel for Sunrise edition here.

We asked Amber B., where do you get your founder fuel from?
My desire has always been to create a better life for me and my family and to have no regrets.

What really happened was one day, as I was driving to work at a job I hated, I saw the most beautiful sunrise over the mountains. It felt like pure freedom. And when that moment passed, I felt like I had snapped back to reality. I realized instead of enjoying the beauty God created, I was on my way to a dark a job I didn't like.

And I thought to myself how happy I would be if I had the freedom to wake up every day and ACTUALLY enjoy the sunrise. I could travel with my family and take them on trips. I imagined being able to explore how a sunrise would look over the sandy beaches of Jamaica,... or peeking behind the Eiffel Tower... or even just in my backyard as my family and I sat on our patio and had breakfast at 10 a.m. on a weekday.

I hated the feeling of having to rush to a job where I spent my whole week or ask for time off from my manager. Those ideas never sat well with me. What I really couldn't wrap my head around was waiting until you're retired after working 20+ years (now it's more like 35+ years!) to travel and enjoy life with the people who matter most. It isn't worth it.

Along that journey, I realized the only way to live life on my terms, to truly provide for my family, and to have no regrets... is to run your own business.

If you could offer one piece of advice about entrepreneurship, what would it be?
Your business is a reflection of you. So if you really want your business to grow, start by working on yourself.

If you could ask readers to do one thing after reading this, what would it be?
A business needs leads and that's what I help businesses create. I offer tons of resources on my website and social media channels about how to create predictable and profitable leads so that you can have your dream business.


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