Soulful Sounds Moved This Government Guru to Sound Healing

This Government Guru Found Her Calling in Africa and Now Uses Her Gifts to Uplift Minds, Bodies, and Spirits🧘🏽‍♀️

Meet Dr. Tonia Burgess, Founder of Soul Sound Sanctuary by Tonia and FounderFuego's Chief Strategy Officer. Dr. Burgess is extraordinary - she has dedicated much of her career to supporting small businesses get certified for contracting with the State of California. Based in Sacramento, Tonia specializes in organizational development and government contracting and empathizes with the challenges entrepreneurs face when starting and growing their small businesses.

After a 35+ year career in state government, Tonia found herself drawn spiritually to Africa. She went on a trip to Africa and was forever changed by her experience - she found her calling. She shares the depth and breadth of this experience in her book - download the free e-chapter here.

Tonia's experience in Africa coupled with her expertise in the small business world led her to follow her heart, get certified in sound healing, and launch her sound bath business Soul Sound Sanctuary in December 2023. What is a sound bath? Learn more here

We asked Tonia, where do you get your founder fuel from?
My personal fuel comes from my intuitive awareness. When I feel an emotional connection towards something meaningful, it ignites the essence of my natural talents, skills, and abilities. It is typically a sign that lets me know when something connects to my purpose. There is a certain flow state that generates excitement!

If you could offer one piece of advice about entrepreneurship, what would it be?
Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart, however, when you align your "why" and you believe in what you are doing, it will help you stay the course.

If you could ask readers to do one thing after reading this, what would it be?
Examine your "why" and how you will incorporate self-care, so that you are prepared to be your "own" best boss.

Mid-Week Break Time

Speaking of entrepreneurship self-care, we encourage you to take a mid-week pause, sit in a comfy chair, relax your feet on the ground, and enjoy this video with the sound on to get a taste of just how relaxing Tonia's sound bath experience is. We've tried it - it's amazing, renewing, and we're coming back for more! 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽


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